Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ján Koller, M.D., Ph.D.






Slovak, English, Hungarian (fluent), German, French, Russian (good)


Centre for Burns and Reconstructive Surgery, Ruzinov General Hospital, Bratislava, Slovakia


P.J.Safarik’s University Kosice, School of Medicine 1964-1970 Postgraduate: board exams: Surgery 1974, Plastic Surgery 1979

Scientific visits:

1987: University of Ljubljana Medical Center, Slovenia

1990: University of Uppsala Medical Center, Sweden

1991: Johns Hopkins University Medical Center, Baltimore, USA Shriners Burn Institute Galveston Unit – visiting professor

2000: Miami Tissue Bank, Ohio Valley Tissue Bank, USA


Pathophysiology of burns in enclosed spaces with regard to CO poisoning Defended in 1982 at P.J.Safarik’s University in Kosice for CSc degree (corresponds  roughly to PhD)

Contemporary possibilities of skin substitution

Defended at Commenius University Bratislava in 2005


Inhalation injury in Burns (1981-1995) - co- investigator

Allografting in Burn Treatment (1988-1992) principal investigator

Keratinocytes cultures in tissue bank practice (1993-1995) principal

Investigator Biosynthetic skin substitute (1996- 2000) principal investigator

Professional experience:

Centre for Burns and Reconstructive Surgery, NsP Kosice-Saca


intern, registrar, senior registrar, consultant

Teaching Department for Burns and Reconstructive Surgery, University Hospital Bratislava

Since 1986

Head of Department, Medical Director of Central Tissue Bank, Ministry of Health of Slovak Republic: principal expert on tissue transplantology

1995 IAEA Vienna, temporary assignment 1997, technical officer, IAEA Vienna: expert 1997

Special training and experience:

General Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Burn Treatment, Shriner’s Burn Institute Galveston, USA (visiting professor 1991), Tissue Banking and Tissue Transplantology – International Atomic Energy Agency –Vienna – expert, National University of Singapore – visiting professor


Slovakian Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: president

Slovakian Transplantation Society – vice-president since 2005

International Society for Burn Injuries: National Representative, Prevention

Committee – member

European Burn Association:  member of the Executive Committee 1997-2001

European Association of Tissue Banks: President 2003-2007

Czech Burn Association – Honorary Member

Czech Medical Society – Honorary Member        

Argentinian Burn Association – Honorary Member